Your library card will allow you to borrow and return books at Somersham Community Library.

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We are part of the Cambridgeshire Libraries group, so you can borrow or order books from us and access other library services just as you would from one of the main libraries.
We also have free computer and internet access, free WiFi, provide photocopying services as well as providing information and meeting spaces for other local community groups.
Our hard-working volunteers regularly arrange coffee mornings and other fundraising activities in the library and around the village.
Do come and visit us to see what we offer.
Our opening hours are:
Mondays 2pm-6pm
Tuesdays 10am-12noon and 2pm-6pm
Thursdays 2pm-7pm
Fridays 2pm-6pm
Saturdays 10am-12.30pm

Somersham Community Library is run by the Friends of Somersham Library (FOSL). FOSL is a registered charity # 1149100